note buyer lighthouse

Receive A Purchase Offer

If you own a private note, mortgage, or contract, The Mortgage Buyer Inc. can provide you with a no-cost, no-obligation purchase proposal. We invite you to contact John or Heidi directly to receive a quote or take a few moments to complete our offer form below. Doing so will allow us to evaluate your investment and present you with our best purchase proposal. We appreciate your visit and look forward to hearing from you.

John A. Avenia, The Mortgage Buyer, President

John A. Avenia, President
Toll free: (800) 618-2485

Heidi Cooper, Director of Acquisitions

Heidi Cooper, Director of Acquisitions
Toll free: (844) 999-9878

If you own a private note, mortgage or contract and would like to receive a no cost, no obligation purchase proposal for it you can contact John or Heidi directly, or take a few moments to complete our quote request form below. Doing so will allow us to evaluate your investment and present you with our best purchase proposal for it. We appreciate your visit and look forward to hearing from you.

Note Holder Contact Information

Collateral Property Information

Property Sale Information

Financing Information

Additional Information

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